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When Power BI meets Dynamics 365 HR

There's a tiny secret not a lot of people know: Dynamics 365 Human Resources provides an out-of-the-box integration with Power BI. Keep reading because it sounds more romantic than it actually is.

The thing is that Human Resources departments often lack tools to display metrics (and sometimes even the metrics don't exist) Microsoft understood that market needs very well, by providing Power BI embedded in pretty much all the HR Modules.

Before we start exploring together my favorite metrics so far, two important things:

  1. The functionality we will look at applies to Dynamics 365 Human Resources standalone application as well as Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations.

  2. The Power BI will ONLY WORK if you use the processes properly, if you add the right information, and if you stick to best practices. If not, the Power BI will show trash. That's why data quality is so important.

Ok, enough of grumpy Ana, let's go to the data. The module I want to share with you is Recruitment management, which is sort of brand new, even though I love all the reports, this one is my favorite.


Recruiting overview

This report will help users to understand:

  • Applicants: the number of people registered as applicants in the system.

  • Average days to hire: how long it takes for your recruiters to hire someone.

  • Recruitment projects: how many open projects exist.

  • Female to male ratio of applicants: this one is super cool, to understand if you have a good distribution of candidates among gender.

  • Applicants' location: where are they coming from.

  • Applicants by recruitment project: how many candidates are in every project.

  • Sources: where do the candidates come from in terms of traffic.

  • Costs: this one is GOLD. How much it costs to hire people.

If you want to zoom in on one of the specific reports you will get a closer look at the information:


Applicant analysis

You will get an understanding on:

  • Applicants by job: how many applicants by job.

  • Applicants by type and status: here you will learn how many of those candidates are internal and how many are already employees.

  • Applicants by education level and status: here you will cross two types of data, the academic level and how far that candidate went in the hiring process.

  • Details; and lastly you will have some information about the application and its development.

Below you will find some details on the applications


Recruiting analysis

Lastly, we have the recruiting analysis report, here there will be some additional interesting data such as:

  • Hired to applied by company: this means how many people applied vs how many people have been hired.

  • Applicants vs. opening by projects: with this information, you will understand how many people apply to a project compared with the number of open positions.

  • Recruitment projects: a different view from what we saw earlier, here you will get a wider understanding of the number of projects, the status, which department are they coming from, the application deadline, and the number of applicants.

Let's take a closer look at the applicants vs openings by project:


Did you know about this amazing feature? If so, which is your favorite report?

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