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New BM Journey - 2 Previous elements

Foto del escritor: Ana Inés Urrutia Ana Inés Urrutia

Once you enable the feature you will need to cover some previous elements that will let you advance in the new benefits management module implementation.

Worker salary

Setting the Compensation Management module is mandatory before implementing the Benefits Management one. So if you are in this stage, I recommend you review this walkthrough beautifully put together by Tom Elliott Fixed compensation translated |


Add workers compensation

Log in Dynamics 365 Human Resources > Personnel Management

Select the worker > Compensation > Fixed plan

A new tab will open with all plans assigned to the worker. If there are no plans assigned select New

A new tab will open and you can complete the information about the plan:


Add pay frequency

Another element that is needed is the pay frequency. You can upload this individually - employee by employee - or bulk. Personally, I prefer bulk, but it will depend on you and how comfortable you are with Data Management.

  • Why individually? In case you have few employees and you don´t feel comfortable with Data management.

  • Why bulk? In case you have too many mployees and you don´t want to repeat a process a hundred times.

Add pay frequency individually

Log into Dynamics 365 Human Resources > Personnel Management

Select a worker from the list, under Employment details, change, update or edit the Payment frequency.


Add bulk payment frequency

This one is a bit different and it requires patience, but believe me, it will pay off.

Log into Dynamics 365 Human Resources > System Administration

Once in the module, select Data Management

We are going to export Employment detail entity, so select Export and create a new project as shown below

There's an option in the top named Export, select it and the system will show something like this:

Once the import is over, you can download the package and start changing your payment frequencies. Select Download package from the top and a file will save to your Download files. Open the folder and save the xls file into your Desktop.

Now that is locally stored, open it and start adding the payment frequencies.

After you are done, save the file and go once again to Dynamics 365 Human Resources > System Administration > Data Management > Import. We are doing the reverse process to load the information into the system.

From the options on the top, select Import. The same process as the export will start loading, just be patient and wait, it could take a couple of minutes depending on how many employees you have in the file. Below you can see the results of the execution, this means all employees have now payment frequency assigned.


It is time to move on to the next stop to set parameters and shared parameters on the benefits management module.

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® 2025, by Ana Inés Urrutia de Souza

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