Is not a secret that recruiting features within Dynamics 365 Human Resources have been improving. If you have a Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations environment, you can easily check it out. If you don't have an environment I recommend you deploy one over here: Get Started with Finance | Microsoft Dynamics 365 and enable the Recruitment management module in Feature Management.
In this article, we are going to focus on communication with candidates/applicants, more specifically sending interview invites.
Log into Dynamics 365 Human Resources/Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations.

Select the hamburger menu, under Modules select Human Resources, and then Recruitment Management.

Once you get there, you'll see something like this:

Go to All applicants.

Select the applicant you want to interview and at the top select Interview.

A new tab will open, select Send meeting information. I added a specific attachment that I created with some stuff. You'll see it later on. When you are ready select Send.

Applicant will receive the following email:

In the attachments we will have:
1. Preparation for the interview:

2. Meeting invite

What are your thoughts on this feature? It's pretty cool, right?