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🔧 Tool kit Series | Competencies and development

Foto del escritor: Ana Inés Urrutia Ana Inés Urrutia

Once again we met, in this case, we will talk about competencies and development. The fun behind these two features in Dynamics 365 Human Resources is to use them in your favor. They will help you compare the skill set for a job and the abilities of a worker, trying to find the perfect match!

As you know, Employee Self-service, along with Manager Self-service are two great challenge-solver due to all the functionalities they provide. By providing the employees the opportunity to upload all the information, and the Manager the chance to review and add even more information about the employee, HR is able to develop a strategic role without going crazy. I know what I'm saying I've been there before and become crazy for sure!

One of the main pain points in HR is Recruitment, mostly because finding the right person for the job opening is an everyday challenge. In order to optimize process, energy, and resources today I will show you two great processes I'll show you will help you to identify internal candidates and also needs for training.

🔎 Identify employees with similar competencies

1. Once you log into the main Dashboard, go to Employee Development.

2. Once in the workspace, go to Links > Skill mapping profiles

3. Once the module is loaded, select New and complete the fields as shown below:

The tabs you may complete to have a successful input for the process are ALL: range, certificates, skills, and, education. Once the information is uploaded select Save.

4. You need to follow these steps now:

- Execute > Run in the background > Ok.

- Result > Report

After selecting these two processes, the system will give you something like this:

As you can see the system is providing you which employees fulfill the needs for some skill set, based on a percentage. Let me zoom it in for you:

🤫 Between you and I, if you use the system properly and you add all the information about your employees, this kind of feature will make your life much easier.

🎯 Match the job with a great candidate

For this second process, we are going to follow steps 1 to 3 in the previous guide. Once you find yourself with all the Skill mapping profile tab, follow these steps:

1. Select New and complete only the first row of the tab. Leave the four tabs below empty as they are.

2. Once you completed this first step, I encourage you to select the Retrieve profile option in the top row. From the dropdown select Job. You can also choose a person - very useful when an employee leaves the company and you want to check for inner talent to cover the opening - or course type. A new window will open and you can choose the Job you want.

3. What the system will do is to collect the range, certificates, skills, and, education from a specific Job description and add it to your new Skill mapping profile.

4. You need to follow these steps now:

- Execute > Run in the background > Ok.

- Result > Report

This will give you a list of employees who meet the criteria for this Skill mapping profile based on a Job description.

This feature is kind of great and mindblowing. I really like it, but - once again - you will need to use the solution properly to achieve these results. So the best you complete the Job descriptions and the skills of the employees - or encourage them to complete them in ESS - the best experience and juice you can get from it.

Extra tip!

You can view the results from this mapping through different sources:




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Hugo De la Cruz
Hugo De la Cruz
Mar 15, 2021

Hola Ana, felciitarte ante todo por este gran esfuerzo que hases de compartir tu pasión. Queria saber si en base a tu experiencia, sabes si una cita o tarea realizada en MS Outlook se puede llevar para registrar hacia alguna entidad de actividad del CDS de un ambiente de Dynamics 365 Customer Service mediante ulguna (s) herramienta(s) de PowerPlatfform, estoy trabajando en una aplicacion de PowerApps y me surgio esa necesidad, me comentas, Saludos, Hugo, Lima Peru


® 2025, by Ana Inés Urrutia de Souza

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